Blog / January 2017 Archive: January 2017


Sarah & Jayrom’s Love Story and Palm Springs Wedding

When we filmed Sarah and Jayrom’s romantic wedding in Palm Springs last November, we were touched by the sweet, steady love they had for each other. We knew they’d have great advice for other couples, so we invited them to write about their story and wedding for the blog. Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your own wedding or just like a good love story, you’re going to love this interview. We didn’t know what a treat we were in for! It’s not often you get to hear the groom's perspective, and Jayrom is a great writer and a true romantic.


Make Your Wedding Personal with Minister Marie

The wedding is the moment you declare your marriage and the experience everyone is gathering to witness. Spare your loved ones another boring wedding and instead choose an officiant you vibe with, someone that will make you feel supported and celebrated, and will guide you through that experience in the spirit you live your life together.


How to Keep Your Wedding Video Safe

Backups are one of those things almost everyone knows they need to do, and yet so few of us get around to backing up our digital files properly. However, it doesn’t need to take long and it can mean the difference between losing precious memories or preserving them for the future.